
“Bad cholesterol dropped from 108 points to a healthy level of 83. I felt healthier, and hardly fall sick since my body immune has also improved after taking COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus."
- Mrs Ow

“1. My LDL (bad cholesterol) has reduced
2. Blood sugar is under control
3. I've become more handsome
after consuming
COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus!"
- Mr Lin from Taiwan

“My husband high blood pressure has reduced after taking COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus."
- Fiona Lim

“After my husband consumed COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus for a few months, his cancer medication has reduced from 3 to 1 portion. This has maintained over a year."
- Carmen Goh

“I consume COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus a packet every month. It doesn't make me fat, despite I slim down consuming it."
- Fanny Choi

“COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus is good! It helps heal my diabetic wound."
- Peyling Choy

“I have consumed COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus more than a year. It has improved my health, especially reducing cholesterol and helps in slimming."
- Shyong Wen

"I’ve started drinking and it’s really good. Previously I have problem with sweating and it has improved since then. My blood circulation has improved."
- Chanel Wong

”Yes, usually Cocoa is more expensive than Chocolate because cocoa is relatively pure.” - Joy Chew
"I drink COCOAX’TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus before bed, it makes me sleep well."
- Xiu Feng

“Getting up the stair is tough for me but after taking COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus, I feel more healthier & lighter. No more breathing difficulties."
- Syarifah

”My skin allergy has disappeared
after drinking COCOAX’TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus.”
- Joey Chan

“Very nice, high quality cocoa powder” - Peck Kim

“After drinking cocoa powder for 1 month, my menstruation doesn’t hurt as much as before. It is nice to add COCOAXTEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus into my daily drink kopi-o2in1. I drink twice a day, once in the morning and another in the afternoon. It helps me concentrate better and lift up my spirits.”
- Ms Ding

“It's really delicious and fragrant. I don’t feel heaty after drinking, and it has good nutrients. ”
- Ms Liao

“This cocoa powder is very good, it will help children with trouble focusing on studies. ”
- Neko Oo

“My husband is having high blood pressure. My friend introduced me COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus. Things work out just nice with a stable blood pressure, not even 3 months.”
- Mabel

“My daughter likes COCOAX'TEND drink very much. Luckily found this cocoa powder enriched with cocoa flavanols which is healthy and without sugar. My families like it very much especially added with honey!”
- Mrs Ong

"My mother consumed COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus every morning for one month. Her sugar level has reduced to 6 and her memory has improved a lot. Event her doctor is impressed by her improvement."
- May Chew

"After consuming COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus for more than a month as additional supplement, my blood sugar level is now under control. It doesn't contain any sugar and I can mix into my oatmeal breakfast. I will recommend this to those with diabetes."
- Ms Koh

"My friends noticed the improvement in my look, they say I look younger nowadays. Thanks to my secret superfood, COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus. It helps reduce my face wrinkle."
- Ms How

"I usually add COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus into my milk shake for breakfast. During the first week, I can concentrate better at work and it gives me energy till lunch time. After drinking 3 weeks, my memory also improved."
- ZT

"As a hobbyist cyclist, I noticed the drastic improvement in my body. I have more energy and I don't pant as much as before when cycling. I regain energy faster and I feel less tired after cycling. I usually add 2 teaspoon COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus into my coffee every day, I took me 3 months to feel the difference."
- Thomas

"My son bought me COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus to drink since MCO1.0. I had high blood problem and I always felt week, but now my body feel much stronger. This cocoa powder reduced my high blood problem. For one year I don't fall sick."
- Madam Lim

"Me and my wife are already senior citizens. My daughter in law bought us COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus to help us prevent the risk of Alzheimer. Sometimes she add the cocoa powder into my matcha tea, it tastes very unique and it's not sweet."
- Mr Lam

"It is highly recommended for consumers who pay attention to health. You can add oats or other beverages to give the beverage a different taste. I now must add 1 or 2 teaspoons to my drink as normal routine."
- Goh